tirsdag den 29. november 2011


First blog is a commercial. And it suits the season. What a start.
Well this is the deal: Some time ago a group of crusty bookers i K-Town did these awesome gigs called "Crust Mass", but there for a couple of years or so, so my buddy K and i thought: "Well this is a bloody shame, Hell, lets do it again!" 
It's going down like this:
4 crust-acts (some more rawpunk and dbeat than others). 3 of them is from Sweden (the land of crustpunk, IKEA and insanely expensive beer), fucking crusty dbeat destruction. Check them out here, here and here. The danish band is actually a project i'm involved in, no link yet. But come on k-town'ers: Start playing some stench/crust/dbeat!
LinkPrice is 50 DKK (may be lowered), its the 16th december from 21.00, in Ungdomshuset, Dortheavej 61, Copenhagen. 

See you there!

If i am still alive after this i will hopefully write some more or less constructive about the gig, possibly some reviews or something similar. Check back soon again...

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