onsdag den 12. december 2012

A brutal night in Ungdomshuset: Veneration of Death

A friend asked for a review on Veneration of Death for his zine, Martyrium. It will be published there sooner or later. For shits 'n' giggles here it is for my blog too... 

Also read mr. Warlord's review here - thanks for the kind words on the booze-bar, god of war.


Written on 9/12-2012

The lineup for this brutal beast of a death metal-night, 8/12 2012, was (in order of performance) REVERIE (cph), SULPHUROUS (cph), MOLD (cph), LVCYFIRE (uk/gr), VORUM (fin) and DEGIAL (se). For me, the best part of the night was definately seeing the local bands. I'm pretty new to reviewing (especially death metal), and also had a couple of shifts on the night, as well as a liking to alcoholic bewerages, so if shits wrong or missing thats why...

REVERIE was the youngest of the bunch (both in age of band and its members), and threw a very good gig for their debut. Old-school death with a thrashy sound to it, some times with riffs that sounded black metal-ish. These guys definately like Venom and Bathory, thats for sure. Very guitar-based, and less double-pedal driven than todays standard so to speak.

SULPHUROUS played their second concert in total this night. Last time i saw them was at a small local gig at Ungdomshuset, where i really liked it, but this time it was even better. Very tight, heavy and dark death, with much focus on atmospheric solos, which fitted well together with some spooky audioclips, before, during and after the concert. Good combination of fast-paced double-pedal driven pieces and slow, bassy – almost doom-metal-y – middleparts, intros and outros.

Unfortunately i was kinda busy during MOLD, but i saw about half their gig, which was really good. These guys have played many recent gigs, tight shit. The guitar-sound is much like Undergang (explained by some a double-member), but the style more like the earliest Bolt Thrower-records, and other old-school death. Good combo! Personally i like a little higher volume on the vocals, but on the other hand it fits their style. As Sulphorous, this is heavy and bass-driven stuff.

LVCYFIRE was on the other hand really not my thing. I know i'm going into a dangerous discussion here, but i don't like triggers on double pedals. The songs are good, the riffs are good, the vocals are good, but the drums ruined it for me. I spoke to a drummer i know during the night, and he absolutely loved this band, so maybe, if you're into technical drums, this is your thing. Some of my friends liked it a lot, one of them saying ”this is good, because it is not your standard death metal”.

Out of the foreign bands, this was my favorite, mostly because of their on-stage energy. Some of the bandmembers had the weidest bone-necklaces which looked like something from a dead moose, and all had the meanest facial expressions. I am also pretty sure the lead-guitar player is Manowars 5th member. Very enjoyable liveband! Musically, totally straight forward, fastpaced death, not much to say.

Last band slowed things a little down with some cathcy intros and outros, which was probably good considering the tempo of the last two bands. More in style with the locals, these guys where also going for that heavy, bassy stuff mixed with fast parts, rather than whole fast-tempo tracks. They where also a good act, some badass gore-makeup and a lot of upside-down crosses.
I didn't see much of them because i was very ”tired” (read: drunk), so this is all you get...

The rest of the night was a good party with DJ Torturdöd being a living death-jukebox, and a drinksbar to provide next days headaches.
Overall a great night at Ungdomshuset as usual, and without a doubt, top-quality bands with good variation.



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