December was a very good month for
gigs, and there was many. January is going to be a little more
low-key, but still a lot of good stuff is going to take place!
- Unknown date, january: Possible Antifa bus-trip to Berlin. Nazi bastards attacked a house-project in Berlin. The danish antifascist media Projekt Antifa reports that there might be a possibility to go to Berlin by bus, if there is going to be demonstrations against the nazis, so keep an eye on their site! Read about the attack here.
- 4th: Warsong, Nu Jävlar and Commie Cowboys. First punk/hardcore-gig of the year! Three really good bands kicking ass at Ungdomshuset. I am looking much forward to this, and all three bands are very well-played. It will be one of those you don't want to miss. If you're more of a Malmö-type, you can catch Warsong together with The War Goes On, january 3rd at Pizzeria Rex.

- 10th: Queer self-defence workshop. If you have never practiced self-defence, now should be the time to start, especially if you concider yourself a queer. HXN and Mads, a good blogger by the way, will be doing this workshop in Ungdomshuset.
- 13th: HT DIY: The Grave Is Not TheEnd, Ajuna and Shock Tilstand. Three bands that i don't know, but show up and support the Helsingør DIY-scene.
- 14th: Death Metal Two slovak death bands on tour and localmetal-punkers. I'm looking forward to see what this is all about. The local punks i can vouche for, thats for sure!
- 16th: Mastodon at Vega. If you got the cash, some of Mastodons earlier records are definately worth your while. The venue is total shit though, so drink your beers elsewhere.
- January 28th: BUMZEN Birthday party. A nice old squat, now legalized has a birthday party. Nice people, and i have been told they're booking nice music as well. More info later. Booked so far is Den Yderste Dag.
- 30th: Kingdom + Wrong Answer in Lund, Sweden.
Oh and by the way, have a good new years, because it will be the last one.