One of K-Towns newer hc-outfits has just released their first EP (although not their first recordings). The record contains 6 (oops, i wrote wrong here, it's 6, not 3...) tracks with a distinct k-town hc touch to it, quick and catchy, but also a lot of Black Flag/80's us-elements. You can clearly hear that these guys have evolved a lot creating this record. The record itself comes in two colors, standard black vinyl and a fucking awesome red one, which i really like. Graphic is easy and simple, and again i must say, that their band-name must be one of the best ones ever.
Get it from the band itself or at Ungdomshusets distro in the bookcafé.

The tapes (yes there are two in total) comes in a super nice packaging with innersleeves for each tape, a nice little poster and in general a good feel to it. One of the highest quality releases i've seen for a while!
Get it from the Kill Town crew, or Ungdomshusets distro in the bookcafé.

This tape was released at the Kill Town-festival, and holds the first and latest (i think) recordings from Mold. The tape is simple as fuck, no extra bullshit, fancy drawings, pictures etc., just the logo a few words and the tape. I like that. Definately some highquality stuff.
Reminds me a little of the earliest Bolt Thrower, but way more chaotic and uncontrollable. I really dig the vocals!
Mold themselves tells me (thanks for the comment, hehe), that there was 99 pcs and they have all been sold out unfortunately.
It was a little odd for me to see this one. Good looking, but definately not what you imagine if someone says NDT. Recorded in Japan on the latest tour, the record consists of music performed by the NDT with its original members, but it has afterwards been released by the new NDT-crew, which can clearly be seen on the artwork. I just want to note here, that i really dig the graphical style of this release, but definately were more into the former stuff. Guess its all about taste.
For the music part, i have no complaints whatsoever. Here you get exactly what you'd expect from a NDT release. High-quality, crushingly dark d-beat scandicrust, continuing in the same direction as the earlier stuff, which is a good thing. The record holds 4 tracks, and have been limited to 666 copies, so hurry it up if you wanna get one.
Get it from the band themselves

A new deathmetal spawn out of Copenhagen delivers a 2-track extremely dirty sounding tape, fitting their style. Inspired by Deicide and the like, with a lot of slow and heavy parts. Has so far only done 1 gig i think (at the Ungdomshuset), and i am sure looking forward to hear more from them. Tape is released with a cover pretty similar to Mold's.
Only 50 handnumbered copies was released in the first press. More will be out soon according to Serpent Pulse recs.
'Mold - KTDF promo' tape was limited to 99 copies and is sold out.