Adult Crash' been busy, because as earlier mentioned, swedish AGENT ATTITUDE just released their debut s/t LP. Catchy and fast hardcore that reminds one of Fy Fan/Nitad. This one also comes in a limited and regular version, the limited being on red vinyl. Find it at Ungdomshusets distro or at Adult Crash.
... by the way: The Amdi Petersens Armé discography LP has been sold out, but! There will be a re-release in a non-limited version, so if you want it, it'll be availible soon at Hjernespind.
And now for the more or less confirmed rumours:
HALSHUG, will be releasing their debut EP soon. It will feature four tracks of crusty d-beat hardcore for fans of Death Token and similar dark hc bands. By the way, they need help for an upcoming tour - check their tourplan via the provided link. There's also a sneak peek at their new stuff up on K-Town Hardcore Fest' site
SWARM and MÄRESVIN will do a split 7-inch sooner than later. The material is done, and as far as i've understood, the pressing is all that's left before the actual release. The two bands perform grind/crust, Swarm being in a sludgy direction while Märesvin is thrash-influenced. Interesting release!

Other than that, DOGMATIST, THE WAR GOES ON, DRY HEAVES (from the UK - performing at K-Town 2013) and NIGHT FEVER all have upcoming releases on Adult Crash. Last, but definately not least, BOTTOM FEEDER today announced a LP-release on Raw Birth Records.
Bonus info:
I've run through the gig calendar plus the places-section and updated it as much as possible. Shitloads of stuff on as far away as September. Damn!